This is an ON Semiconductor SEPIC Converter for the NCV8872. Its part number is NCV8872SEPGEVB. The NCV8872SEPGEVB Evaluation Board lets you evaluate the NCV8872 SEPIC converter. There is no need for extra components apart from the DC voltage supply and if you wish to synchronise the switching frequency then an external clock can be used. The NCV8872 device boost controller drives an external N-channel MOSFET and will use peak current mode control. It has 675 kHz switching frequency with an output voltage of 12V 1.5 A. It offers internal soft start protection, thermal shutdown, under-voltage lockout and more. It is ideal for automotive applications including engine clusters, navigation, start/stop, Instrument clusters and LED backlighting.
- Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor
- Part Number: NCV8872SEPGEVB
- Power Management Function: SEPIC Converter
- Featured Device: NCV8872
- Kit Classification: Evaluation Board